What does the brokerage service include?
Inspect your aircraft on-site, thoroughly examine your logbooks and determine your aircrafts current value
Brinkley Aviation pays for all marketing and advertising cost. We advertise on the most popular web sites and magazines to assure that your aircraft gets maximum visibility.
We will create flyers with high quality pictures and a detailed spec sheet.
Order FAA 337 Forms & Registration Documents
Order FAA Title Report
Arrange for your aircraft to be detailed
Arrange an Appraisal from an independent (optional)
Pre-Sale Mechanical Inspection Oversight
We have qualified pilots to show your aircraft and flight instructors available if the buyer needs a checkout.
We will make sure all aspects of the sale are put in writing.
Prepare an Aircraft Purchase and Sale Agreement that thoroughly protects all parties.
Assist with Financing and Insurance for the buyer.
Arrange for delivery.
Assist in Closing the Sale.